This installation manual is an essential part of the dynoKRAFT M120-pro / M200-evo dynamometer, intended to be used by technician performing the installation and comissioning of this product.
© 2021 dynoKRAFT GmbH , All rights reserved.
This manual is copyrighted by VISION ENGINEERING e.K., hereinafter referred to as dynoKRAFT. All rights reserved.
Original installation manual for the dynoKRAFT dynamometer.
This manual is for informational purposes only, is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by dynoKRAFT.
dynoKRAFT assumes no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of dynoKRAFT.
All trademarks, trade names, service marks, or service names owned or registered by another company and used in this manual are the property of their respective companies.
Manufacturer / Service / Warranty:
dynoKRAFT GmbH
Hugo-Eckener-Str. 33
D-50829 Köln
This products is meant to be installed and commissioned by trained and experienced technicians only.
Owner/user assumes responsibility for his or her own actions when installing, commissioning and/or using these products. VISION ENGINEERING e.K. hereby expressly disclaims liability and shall not be responsible for incidental, consequential and contingent damages or any kind or nature, including, without limitation: damages to persons or property, whether a claim for such damages is based upon warranty, contract, tort or otherwise; damages due to or arising out of the loss of time; or loss of profits.
VISION ENGINEERING e.K. shall not be responsible for any damages caused by the presence of error or omission in any of its manuals, instructions or related materials.
Should you have any problems or questions during the installation process, or any part of this manual is not perfectly clear, please reach to us for professional assistance before taking further steps.
Any damage to dynamometer caused by incorrect installation is not covered by warranty.
Conventions used in this manual
The conventions used in this manual are designed to protect both user and equipment and to assure a safe work environment.
The warning indicates a serious hazard or risk of machine damage.
Caution means that failure to perform or incorrectly perform the described procedure can damage the test bench.
Information gives the user additional useful advice.
Precautions and other safety measures
To assure problem free installation of your dynamometer you should note these precautions and use common sense at all times.
Please read this manual before attempting to install your dynamometer.
Moving and lifting heavy objects.
All dynoKRAFT dynamometers are designed as assembly of one or more sub-assemblies, which are meant to be bolted / installed together.
Most of these sub-assemblies are heavy and require special care while lifting and transporting.
Always use adequate lifting gear with sufficient lifting capacity during the installation process.
Warning! Heavy objects.
Use special precautions and adequate lifting gear while moving or lifting heavy objects.
Risk of serious injury of death!
Noise and debris
During the installation you will be drilling holes in concrete floor, operate an impact wrench or similar tools and perform other operations, which may pose risk to your hearing and/or damage your eyes.
Warning! Excessive noise. Eye damage.
Always use eyes and ears protection while installing with dynamometer. Fail to do so may result in serious health issues, hearing loss or visual impairment.
Electric power. Compressed air
The dynoKRAFT dynamometers are operated using electric power and compressed air.
Do not remove any covering panes, perform any service or repairs or open any electric cabinets while dynamometer is under power.
Any repairs or service which requires accessing the dynamometers electrical cabinet may only be performed by qualified electrician.
Warning! Potentially lethal voltages.
Never perform any service or remove any protective panels or open electric cabinets without previously disconnecting the main AC power cord.
Always wait min. 5 minutes after turning off the dynamometer main switch to allow for complete discharge of electromagnetic coils of the Eddy Current Brakes.
Fail to do so may result in lethal electric shock.
Before performing any service operation or repairs to pneumatic components always release the pressure from the pneumatic system. Please follow service procedures described in respective User Manual on details how to release the air pressure from the dynamometer systems.
Warning! Eye damage.
Always use eye protection while working with dynamometers pneumatic systems.
Fail to do so may result in serious eye damage and visual impairment.
Dynamometer installation
To perform this installation following tools shall be required.:
1. Spirit level, min. 1,5m long.
2. TX40 bit with approx. 20-25cm extension.
3. Set of allen keys 3-10mm.
4. Flat wrench, metric: 10, 13, 17, 19, 24mm.
5. Ratchet with 17 and 19mm socket.
6. Torque wrench set to 60-65Nm with 17mm socket and 85-90Nm with 19mm socket.
7. Thread lock, medium stenght.
8. Hammer drill with 8, 10 and 12mm concrete bits.
9. Metric measuring tape.
10. Compressed air pistol and/or industrial vacuum cleaner.
11. Lifting slings with adequate load capacity (min. 500kg per sling).
12. Fork lift or other lifting device to position the dynamometer in the final installation place.
Unpackaging and unloading
Upon delivery please carefully check all packages.
Should you observe any damage on any of the delivered crates or palettes please annotate this in the delivery documents and notify dynoKRAFT immediately per email ( by sending us a copy of the annotated shipping documentation.
Without a copy of the shipping documents with appreciate delivery-damage notes, signed by carrier, we will not be able to process your claim!
In most cases the dynoKRAFT dynamometer is delivered on disposable wooden palette, wrapped with black stretch foil.
In case of over-sea transport the dynamometer is delivered in closed crate and wrapped in protective foil. In addition to that an humidity absorber may be found inside the packages.
Additionally an protective wax-film may be found on non-painted surfaces. This film should be removed/cleaned with appreciate non-corrosive and non-abrasive chemicals and cotton cloth as required.
Please take care of your environment and dispose or recycle all packaging materials according to your local regulations and laws.
1. Please open the wooden crate using crawl-bar or similar tool. Please proceed with care not to damage the equipment.
2. After opening the crates / removing all packaging material make sure that all parts are delivered as per packaging list and this manual.
3. Remove all coverings from all parts of the dynamometer to allow easy access to the internals of the chassis / frames.
4. Using fork-lift relocate the frames on the palettes near the intended installation place. Then you may unscrew the dynamometer from the pallet using TX40 bit.
Initial preparation
Before installing the dynamometer make sure to check following:
1. Please check the flatness of the surface/floor on which you plan to install your dynamometer using spirit level. Required flatness is min. 2mm per 1m of length in any direction.
In case your installation place does not meet this requirement it may be necessary to use sheet-metal plates to level the dynamometer accordingly.
Such spacers are to be installed underneath the vibration dampers, between the workshop floor and the dyno.
DO NOT loosen the vibration dampers from the dyno and install any washers to rise/lower the main frame.
2. Please clean the floor from any dust and dirt. Make sure it's not slippery.
3. Make sure that you have all the tools and hardware required for the installation. This will speed up the process.
00. Pit installation: Wall profiles (OPTIONAL)
NOTE: This step is applicable only in case you're installing the dynamometer in a pit.
Before lowering the dynamometer into the pit make sure to install the wall-profiles (grating support profiles - marked green below) on the side walls of the pit, using provided M12 concrete anchors.
Should you lower the frames into the pit before installing these wall-profiles you may experience difficulties when doing it at later stage.
Support profile installation height is 410mm (approx. 16,14" ):
0. Pit installation: frame position (OPTIONAL)
NOTE: This step is applicable only in case you're installing the dynamometer in a pit.
Once the support profiles are installed please lower the Front frame into the pit.
The Front frame can be lifted using webbing slings, or similar, by the main beam.
Position the Front frame in the pit as per drawing below.
01. Front frame: Position
Place the Front frame of the dynamometer in the final installation place.
Make sure to allow enough room around the dynamometer so that you can easily walk around it.
If you plan to use other equipment such as dual-cooling fan kit or other hardware please plan adequate space prior to dynamometer installation.
Please note that in the longest wheelbase setting the Front Wheel Carrier will protrude approx. 36cm (~14" ) to the front of the dynamometer.
02. Main frame: Position and fixing.
Place the Main frame of the dynamometer in the final installation place, next to the back of the Front frame and level it.
The Main frame can be lifted with slings by shaft (next to bearings) or by routing the slings through the holes in diagonal (triangle) stiffeners:
Make sure to allow sufficient air flow around the Eddy Current Brake (on the left from the roller) to assure efficient cooling of it's rotors.
To ease this step please adjust the height of the Front Frame using the M8 adjustable feet located at the back wall of the Front frame, so that the "marriage bolts" holes meet up.
Bolt together both Main and Front frames using provided M12 bolts and self-securing nuts.:
Fixing torque: 85-90Nm
There are total of 8 bolts to be installed:
After all 8 bolts are torqued down please rise the height adjustment feet above the ground and lock them in place to avoid any rattle noise.
03. Electric installation: Retarder Power Supply. Air Valve
Once the two frames are bolted together proceed with electrical connections.
Locate the large black plug near pneumatic brake caliper (PWS) and route it through the opening from Main Frame into the Front Frame.
Repeat procedure for the 3-way DIN connector (air valve).
Connect both connectors to their respective sockets and secure (push-and-twist lock or threaded collar):
04. Electric installation: Data bundle
Locate the Data Bundle with three green terminals on the right side of the roller (next to Hall-Sensor) and feed it through the hole from Main Frame into the Front Frame.
Then route the bundle along the metal bar and fix it using the pre-installed cable-ties.
Feed the bundle outside the Front Frame through the opening in sheet metal:
05. Pneumatic installation: Air supply
Connect the Air supply to the Quick-Coupling located underneath the electric cabinet:
06. Drive-in ramp (Floor-Top version only)
1. Install the square grating on the frame and fix it using provided M8 bolts.
Fixing torque: 20-25Nm or hand tight
2. Loosely mount the supporting legs (profiles) of the drive-in ramp on the back wall of the Main Frame using provided M12 bolts.
Right side:
Left side:
3. Loosely install the rectangular grating on these profiles (legs) using provided M8 bolts and fixing brackets.
4. Fix the square frame to the pre-installed legs, which are already held together by the loosely fitted rectangular grating, using provided material and M12 bolts.
Make sure to follow the shown order of washers and glide collars to avoid squeaking noise.
Torque the M12 bolts so that you can fold/tilt the ramp yet there is no exessive lateral movement.
5. Afterwards torque down all remaining bolts on both rectangular grating and "leg" profiles to firmly install the Ramp into the Main Frame.
Fixing torque M8 bolt: 20-25Nm
Fixing torque M12 bolt: 85-90Nm
6. Install the spring loaded locking pin.
Use medium thread lock
Adjust it's position so that there is a small gap between moving and static parts, yet the pin will securely lock the ramp while in vertical position.
Secure the position of the spring-pin with the counter-nut. Do not overtighten not to damage the thread.
Use medium thread lock
07. Control panel post (Floor-Top version only)
Fix the triangle bracket to the concrete floor using provided screws / anchors. Position it near the front edge of the dynamometer, either on the right or left side depending on your preference.
Make sure to allow enough space for dual-cooling fan or other equipment you may use.
Attach the control panel post to this bracket.
Fixing torque: 60-65Nm
Complete the installation of Control Panel Arm, Keyboard holder and VESA Monitor holders per drawing below.
Fixing torque - Control Panel Arm hinge to Post: 60-65Nm
Fixing torque - Keyboard holder: hand tight
Fixing torque - Monitor holder: hand tight
Install the Control Panel to the side of the Keyboard holder.
Fixing torque - Control Panel: hand tight
08. Dual Cooling Fan kit (OPTIONAL)
Install the guide rails on both side covers of the Front Frame
Fixing torque: 60-65Nm
Install the clamps and position the cooling fan on the carrier tube.
The orientation of the fan outlet may be different the shown below, depending on the actual supplied model.
The electric motor should face outside of the dynamometer.
Connect the electric motor of the cooling fan per your requierments using motor switch. Please make sure to keep the correct spinning direction.
In most cases you can directly switch these fans ON without the need to use Variable Frequency Drive or Soft-Start devices.
The dual-cooling fan kit is to be connected to the grid aside of the dynamometer electric system, as there is no dedicated power outlet in the electric cabinet itself to power these fans.
Please seek professional assistance if needed.
09. ADAQ System. Phase rotation. Final steps
1. Mount tthe ADAQbase controller and ADAQexiom extension module (if supplied - see scope of delivery) on the 35mm DIN rail located either at the Front Frame (floor-top installation) or on the side of the supplied PC-trolley (pit installation).
Connect the three green terminals to the ADAQbase module and complete the installation as per ADAQbase and ADAQ Software manual.
Complete the ADAQexiom installation per user manual.
2. Install back all coverings and fix them firmly.
3. Connect the dynamometer to grid and power it up by turning the Mains switch on the side of the electric cabinet.
When powered up, provided that compressed air is connected and sufficient pressure is available, the dynamometer will be in E-STOP state.
To start using your dynamometer please release the E-Stop button and reset the dynamometer to normal working condition by pressing green button on Control Panel.
Warning! Read User Manual before use.
Before using your dynamometer please complete the installation and carefully read User Manual.
4. Please check correct turning direction / movement direction of the Front Wheel Carrier (wheel support) by pressing the white buttons on the Control Panel.
Upper button - FWD (longer wheelbase)
Lower button - REV (shorter wheelbase)
If the movement direction is opposite please power down the dynamometer, unplug the mains connector and rotate the phase (change turning direction of the 3-phase motor) by twisting the gray part inside the connector 180 deg:
Caution. Risk of equipment damage.
Do not use the dynamometer if the movement direction of the Front Wheel Carrier is not correctly set.
Doing so may damage the dynamometer and/or gear-motor as the limit switches are not operational.
5. After approx. first 20 test runs please check and if needed adjust the gap of the pneumatic brake caliper to max. 0,5mm free-play.
To do so please power-up and reset your dynamometer to normal operation mode and remove top covers from Main Frame.
Assure that the air pressure level is min. 7 bar, preferably 8 bar.
Using 24mm flat wrench please adjust the gap of the brake caliper, then lock the bolt with counter-nut.
6. Please fill-out the provided "Commissioning Protocol" and perform the described test runs upon finishing this installation.
An copy of this protocol together with both .csv test files must be sent to dynoKRAFT per E-mail ( to validate your warranty.